Home - Sustainability

How valuable can plastic waste be ?
We are committed to show the world that plastic is simply too valuable to waste. We need to make sure every product is designed and produced for economically viable recycling. Let’s create demand for these valuable materials.

How can we eliminate waste ?
We are committed to work with others to invest in improving waste management infrastructure and systems where they are lacking. We are encouraging others to sign up too. Let’s make real change happen faster.

We are also certified users of Oxo bio degradable monolayer, LDPE shrink films and secondary bags. Our shrink film and secondary packaging bags are certified by ECAS (Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme)

Sustainability Initiatives

Water Recycling

Dealing with high heat temperatures during the summers, we succeed to reuse all our condensate water from our HVAC system. By doing so, we save extra refrigeration load and reduced electricity consumption. At the same time keeping a 0-water waste in our facility.


Maximum Power Transfer System: We have installed a maximum power transfer unit to reduce maximum amperes consumption and increasing our Power factor. By installing the unit we can reduce our carbon footprint.

Hot Air Re-circulation

Solvent LEL (lower explosion limit) detection system. Minimize evaporation of solvent fugitive emission in print room. By use of temperature controlled and humidity control. Which not only helps the environment, but also delivers consistent work conditions. For the most valuable resource, which is our human resource.

LED Lighting

Changed all our lights to LED from fluorescent lights, to help reduce energy consumed in our plant. Installed motion-sensor controlled LED lighting in our warehouse and soon to install auto timer lighting program for facility external lightning. Reducing our voltage, and giving more quality lightening.

Tree Planting

Planted over 45 trees across our current facility which is over 10 years old. With an objective to plant 4 trees every year to help keep our environment sustainable.

Solvent Recycling

Distilling our processed solvent and re-using it for cleaning of machines and accessories. It has helped us prevent releasing solvent fumes into the air we breathe.

Process Change

Replacing solvent base adhesive with solvent less for aggressive and retort packaging.

Increased our deckle utilization in order to reduce our energy consumption wherever possible.

Replacing white ink by using white adhesive.

Replacing Wax and Hotmelt with water-based lacquer.